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We all lead busy lives and don’t have the luxury of adding more activities on top of those in which we are already invested. However, there is a way in which we can more fully invest ourselves and gain greater happiness in those things in which we are involved.

The better you understand yourself, the better you engage in things relevant to you. At LiveAnew™, our goal is to help you intentionally connect to greater happiness and well being in your life.

In order to achieve this, we generate actions for you based on your specific strengths, values, and interests. In addition, we help you measure your current level of fulfillment in life activities by utilizing the Pillars of Happiness, which are rooted in the science of Positive Psychology.

The Pillars of Happiness include:

  1. Know your strengths and values
    (position yourself to use them)
  2. Create social connections
  3. Integrate self development and goal setting
  4. Learn as a lifelong endeavor
  5. Attach to something larger than yourself.
  6. Connect to your passions

LiveAnew® Updates

Tech sector may be the happiest

Technology companies made up the top five workplaces, and accounted for seven of the top 10. NetApp and Google came in at number two and three, respectively...

Find out who was #1

Join A New Group Focused On The Science of Happiness and Well-Being In The Workplace

This group provides an outlet to share and discuss the research and application of scientifically proven strategies that influence happiness and well-being inside the workplace. Click "Join Now" to learn more.

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In The News

Positive Psychology and Community Outreach Can Make Your Organization Better

A number of studies have shown that a workplace promoting positive psychology among employees and clients can increase innovation, loyalty and pride among those who work with the organization. The goodwill promoted when companies focus on their human capital as opposed to the cold, impersonal bottom line often creates conditions that allow businesses to grow profits and thrive for the long term.
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Happiness plays a major role in physical fitness

Although lots of people are now into fitness and healthy lifestyles, many are not yet   ready  to start a physical wellness program because they  lack the motivation, inspiration and positive feelings to initiate change...

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